Automatic version | Points | Paths of salesman who doesn't have objective function | Overlaid Paths of salesman who doesn't have objective function |
Segments which need not cross each other | Segments which do not cross each other | Segments which need to cross others |
Linked segments | Linked segments with effort not to cross each other |
Matchsticks which need not cross each other | Matchsticks which do not cross each other |
Linked matchsticks | Linked matchsticks with effort not to cross each other |
Circles | Circles which do not include others | Circles which do not include and cross others |
Rectangles which have edges are parallel to x-axis, y-axis | - | - |
Squares which have edges are parallel to x-axis, y-axis | - | - |
crossing line when going opposite side | never crossing line segments | line segments from points |
Click version | crossing line when going opposite side | never crossing line segments | line segments from points |