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Multiplicatively weighted Voronoi diagram(Open 5/Sep/2000 : The 4th Revision Wednesday, 30-Jun-2010 23:04:07 JST)
Multiplicatively weighted Voronoi diagram is drawn by using distance function d(p,p(i))
where dis is Euclidean distance and w(i) is the weight of p(i).
An edge are generally circular arc.
Multiplicatively weighted Voronoi diagram
Sort generators such that w[1]<w[2]<...<w{N]
Consider a bisector of p(i) and p(j) Apporonius' circle; they mean that points are the rate of distance from i and distance from j is same.
for x=left edge of circle to right edge of circle
compute y for x, upper arc of the circle
compute d from (x,y) to i
set cnt=0
k=1,...,N except for i and j
compute d_k from (x,y) to k
if d_k<d then cnt=1 and break
next k
if cnt=0 then plot (x,y)
compute y for x, lower arc of the circle
compute d from (x,y) to i
set cnt=0
k=1,...,N except for i and j
compute d_k from (x,y) to k
if d_k<d then cnt=1 and break
next k
if cnt=0 then plot (x,y)
next x
for y=bottom of circle to top of circle
same logic of x
next y
next j
next i
Ordinary Voronoi diagram
Consider a bisector of p(i) and p(j)
k=1,...,N except for i and j
Consider a bisector of p(i) and p(k)
Calculate the points of intersection of bisector(i,j) and bisector(i,k)
next k
Add the points x=0 and x=(the width of screen) of the bisector (i,j) into the points of intersections
Sort the points of intersections in terms of x coordinates
k=1,...,the number of intervals of the points of intersections
Let c be a midpoint of the interval of the points of intersection.
Let d be d(c,p(i))
h=1,...,N except for i and j
Let d' be d(c,p(h))
If d'<d then shout (Out!)
next h
If we did not shout, then draw the interval of the points of intersection
next k
next j
next i
VB code(voromwexe.lzh)
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