CW, LW and Karlsruhe are very heavy.
Voronoi diagram(Automatic version)EVoronoi diagram(Click version)
Farthest point Voronoi diagram(Automatic version)EFarthest point Voronoi diagram(Click version)
Elliptic Voronoi diagram(Automatic version)
Line-segment Voronoi diagram(Open 4/Jul/2009 : The 2nd Revision Sunday, 23-Jan-2011 13:32:30 JST)
Consider N line segments.
Consider bisector of i and j
1) bisector of two edge points of line segments
1-1) bisector of i's left vertex and j's left vertex
1-2) bisector of i's right vertex and j's right vertex
1-3) bisector of i's left vertex and j's right vertex
1-4) bisector of i's right vertex and j's left vertex
In these 4 cases, compute slope a and intercept b of perpendicular bisector of two edge points, y=ax+b
for x=left point of the screen to right point of screen
compute y=ax+b
compute d=distance between (x,y) and edge points(distance to i and distance to j are same)
compute d_epsi=distance between (x,y) and edge point of i*0.999+j*0.001 (this means inner point of line segment)
compute d_epsj=distance between (x,y) and edge point of j*0.999+i*0.001 (this means inner point of line segment)
if d_epsj<d or d_epsi<d then next x
for k=1,...,N but not i,j
compute d_k=distance from (x,y) to k (that is edge points or intersection of perpendicular line from k)
if d_k<d then next x
next k
plot (x,y)
next x
2) Next, consider the bisector of two line segments, that is, the image is the bisector of an angles.
There are two bisectors of an angles for line segments i and j.Compute these bisectors of an angles as (gux1,guy1)-(gux2,guy2) and (gux3,guy3)-(gux4,guy4)
2-1) For (gux1,guy1)-(gux2,guy2)
Compute a, b of y=ax+b for (gux1,guy1)-(gux2,guy2)
for x=gux1 to gux2
Compute y=ax+b
Compute intersection of line segment i and perpendicular line from (x,y) to i.
If the intersection is outside of line segment i, then next x
Compute intersection of line segment j and perpendicular line from (x,y) to j.
If the intersection is outside of line segment j, then next x
Compute d, distance from (x,y) to i or j(to i and to j are same).
For k=1,...,N but not i,j
Compute d_k, distance from (x,y) to k.
If d_k is less than d then next x
next k
plot (x,y)
next x
2-2) For (gux3,guy3)-(gux4,guy4). This is another bisector of an angle.
Use same logic of 2-1)
3) Finally, consider the bisector of one line segment and one edge point of another line segment
3-1) line segment i and left point of segment j
3-2) line segment i and right point of segment j
3-3) line segment j and left point of segment i
3-4) line segment j and right point of segment i
For these 4 cases, apply following method.
When the line (directrix) is x=-lp and the point (focus) is (lp,0) then the parabola line is y^2=4lpx.
At first, lp is set to the half of distance between segment i and edge point of j.
Rotate segment i and edge point of j by the angle of segment i, that is, make line segment i x=lp. Next, move segment i and edge point of j such that the middlepoint of segment i and edge point of j become origin point, (0,0). From these actions, we can draw y^2=4lpx for segment i and edge point of j.
Later, rotate back and move back. then you can draw exact parabola.
Compute (gpboriginx,gpboriginy). This is origin point for segment i and edge point of j for y^2=4lpx.
Compute gpbijep. This is lp when bisector is y^2=4lpx for line segment i and edge point of j.
Compute gpbijetheta. This is angle of rotation when bisector is y^2=4lpx for line segment i and edge point of j.
for(y=-height of screen to height of screen
compute x=y^2/(4lp)
Rotate back (x,y) for segment i and edge point of j.
compute d as distance from edge point j to (x,y).
compute da as distance from another edge point j to (x,y).
if da<d then next y
compute deps as distance from edge point*0.999+another edge point*0.001 j to (x,y). This means inner point very small epsilon.
if deps<d then next y
for k=1,...,N but not i,j
compute d_k as distance from k to (x,y).
if d_k<d then next y
next k
Plot (x,y)
next y
next j
next i
Source of program
VB files and exe file(svoro.lzh)
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