Japanese English 1784 accesses since 6/Jun/2010. Thank you!
Takashi Ohyama English Home page
(nirarebakun.com, Born in 1973, Ibaraki, Hitachi City native. Living in Tokyo, Adachi-ward. An office worker)

Open 7/May/1999 : The 98th Revision Sunday, 16-Jun-2013 14:30:56 JST

Screensaver for Win95,98

Automatic Version
Voronoi diagram -Area of Voronoi region
-Higher order -Farthest-point -Higher-order Farthest-point
-MW(multiplicatively weighted) -AW(additively) -PW(additively power) -CW(Compoundly) -LW
-Area of MW Voronoi region -Area of AW Voronoi region
-Elliptic -Manhattan -Supremum -Karlsruhe
-Higher order MW -HAW -HPW -HCW -HLW
-HElliptic -HManhattan -HSupremum -HKarlsruhe
-Farthest-Point Manhattan
Line-segment Voronoi diagram -segments sometimes cross each other -segments need to cross each other
-Largest empty circle in a polygon
-Higher order line-segment -segments sometimes cross each other -segments need to cross each other
Delaunay Tessellation -2nd order -3rd order -Farthest
Delaunay Tessellation some edges deleted
Extended Voronoi Edges
Voronoi area game for two for three for four for five for six
Convex Hull -Higher order convex hull
X-grap -Y-graph
B-spline curve -X-dimension -Y-dimension -Higher-order Convex Hull
Overlaid Convex Hulls from considering four color problem
-Version 2 -1 color version -two color version
-3 color version -5 color version -6 color version
Catmull-Rom spline curve
Bezier curve -X-dimension -Y-dimension -Higher-order Convex Hull
Tile tessellation of Triangle Regular triangle Parallelogram Triangle version 2
Parallelogram version 2 Quadrangle Variation of Quadrangle Type 1 of Hexagon
Variation of Type 2 of Hexagon
Hilbert Curve's Variation 1 Variation 2
Hilbert Curve's approximating polygon(Variation 1) (Variation 2)
Heauristic algorithm for Traveling salesman problem by using Hilbert curve
Heauristic algorithm for Traveling salesman problem by using Approximating polygon of Hilbert curve
Dog locustic diagram Primary expression Quadratic expression Expression of degree 3 Expression of degree 4
Expression of degree 5 Expression of degree 6 Expression of degree 7 Expression of degree 50(Heavy) Expression of degree 100(very heavy) Clump
Gabriel graph Relative neighborhood graph
Minimum spanning tree problem -Network minimum spanning tree problem -Weighted network minimum spanning tree problem
Shortest path problem -Weighted Shortest path problem
Hakimi Problem -Hakimi with weighted demands
-Hakimi with weighted links -Hakimi with weighted demands and weighted links
Nearest point,farthest point pair -Higher order -2nd order -3rd order -Farthest point
Traveling route to some points
Perpendicular bisectors for TSP Extended perpendicular bisectors for TSP
Weber problem -Weighted Weber Problem
Center problem Largest empty circle problem Largest empty Ellipse problem
Traveling Salesman problem with a lot of time
version 2 version 3; Using Delaunay triangulation version 4; Using Delaunay triangulation Part 2
version 5; Using incremental method and Delaunay triangulation
a variation; Using incremental method and second order Delaunay triangulation
a variation 2; Using incremental method and third order Delaunay triangulation
version 8; more effort but not enough
Longestic traveling route
Longeric traveling route
Shortestic traveling route
Shorteric traveling route
Traveling Salesman problem's heauristic algorithm
-when end point differs from startpoint
-when start point is given and end point is arbitrary
-when start point and end are given
Heauristic algorithm for Traveling salesman problem by Incremental method
Steiner tree problem's heauristic algorithm
Paths of salesman who doesn't have objective function
Overlaid Paths of salesman who doesn't have objective function
Segments which need not cross each other Segments which do not cross each other Segments which need to cross others
Linked segments Linked segments with effort not to cross each other
Matchsticks which need not cross each other Matchsticks which do not cross each other
Linked matchsticks Linked matchsticks with effort not to cross each other
Circles Circles which do not include others Circles which do not include and cross others
Rectangles which have edges are parallel to x-axis, y-axis
Squares which have edges are parallel to x-axis, y-axis
Crossing line when going opposite side
Never crossing line segments
Line segments from points
Higher order ellipse(fictious) Higher order ellipse(fictious,fictious)

Graphs of various functions Newton method
Chord method Secant method Regula Falsi
Newton method for obtaining extremum
Chord method for obtaining extremum
Secant method for obtaining extremum
Regula Falsi for obtaining extremum
Gaussian Elimination Gauss-Jordan method Jacobi method Gauss Seidel method Many method of simultaneous equations
LU decomposition Cholesky method
periodic functions Fourier series expansion for periodic functions Fourier series expansion for non-periodic functions
Stokes' wave
Experiments of random variables of uniform distribution Experiments of geometric distribution Experiments of binomial distribution
Experiments of exponential distribution
Experiments of 1 coin 2 - 10 11 - 100 101 - 1000 1001 - 100000
Experiments of throwing 2 - 10 coins for counting l-th number 11 - 100 coins 101 - 1000 coins
1 Die Experiments
2 Dice Experiments 3 Dice Experiments Dice Experiments, 4-10 Dice Experiments, 11-100 Dice Experiments, 101-1000 Dice Experiments, 1001-100000
Experiments of throwing 2-10 dice for counting l-th number 11-100 dice 101-1000 dice
Experiments of spinning 1 Roulette wheel, whose value is 0 to k, k is 2 to 9 2 to 10 11 to 100 101 to 1000
Experiments of counting the l-th smallest value by spinning 2 to 10 Roulette wheels, whose value is 0 to k, k is 2 to 9 11 to 100 101 to 1000
Experiments of spinning 1 Roulette wheel, whose value is 0 to k, k is 10 to 99 2 to 10 11 to 100 101 to 1000
Experiments of counting the l-th smallest value by spinning 2 to 10 Roulette wheels, whose value is 0 to k, k is 10 to 99 11 to 100 101 to 1000
Experiments of spinning 1 Roulette wheel, whose value is 0 to k, k is 100 to 999 2 to 10 11 to 100 101 to 1000
Experiments of counting the l-th smallest value by spinning 2 to 10 Roulette wheels, whose value is 0 to k, k is 100 to 999 11 to 100 101 to 1000
Experiments of counting the same number of the previous value by spinning Roulette
Experiments of rock-scissors-paper for two 3 - 10 11 - 100
Experiments for computing pi by plotting points
Experiments for computing pi by using inscribed regular polygon and circumscribed regular polygon non-regular version
Experiments for computing pi by using Buffon's needle
Experiments of Monty Hall Problem using 3 doors 4 - 10 11 - 100
1 solo trip using random walk two solo trips 3 - 10 11 - 100 101 - 1000
1 dimension random walk
Change of gambler's money of win-loss game
Change of gambler's money of betting races
Change of gambler's money of Lottery
Picture using random variables part 2
Picture of 3 colors from the inspiration of Richard Durrett's model 2 colors 4 - 10 11 - 100 101 - 1000
Picture from the inspiration of Richard Durrett's virus model
Birth-death model from the inspiration of Richard Durrett's model
Experiments of Seat changing for 2 - 10 people 11 - 100 people 101 - 1000 people
n-adic number n-adic number for decimal number
divisor greatest common divisor
Experiment for comfirming that the probability that two natural numbers are disjoint is 6/(pi^2)
Experiment for counting GCD
factorization in prime numbers least common multiple
Ball bounce in a square
Ball bounce in a circle
Ball bounce in a square with line segments
Some ball bounce in a square
Some ball bounce in a square with ball bombard
Some ball bounce in a square with line segments, with ball bombard

Click Version
Voronoi diagram -Area of Voronoi region
-Higher order -Farthest-point
-Manhattan -Supremum -Karlsruhe
-HManhattan -HSupremum -HKarlsruhe
-Farthest-Point Manhattan
Delaunay Tessellation -2nd order -3rd order -Farthest
-Largest empty circle in a polygon
Voronoi area game for two for three for four for five for six
Convex Hull -Higher order convex hull
X-grap -Y-graph
B-spline curve(Not coming back to 1) -B-spline curve(Coming back to 1) -X-dimension -Y-dimension -Higher-order Convex Hull
Catmull-Rom spline curve cal
Bezier curve(Not coming back to 0) -Bezier curve(Coming back to 0) -X-dimension -Y-dimension -Higher-order Convex Hull
Gabriel graph Relative neighborhood graph
Minimum spanning tree problem -Network minimum spanning tree problem
Shortest path problem
Hakimi Problem
Nearest point,farthest point pair -Higher order -2nd order -3rd order -Farthest point
Weber problem
Center problem Largest empty circle problem
Traveling Salesman problem with a lot of time
version 2 version 3; Using Delaunay triangulation version 4; Using Delaunay triangulation Part 2
version 5; Using incremental method and Delaunay triangulation
a variation; Using incremental method and second order Delaunay triangulation
a variation 2; Using incremental method and third order Delaunay triangulation
version 8; more effort but not enough(Click version)
Traveling Salesman problem's heauristic algorithm
-when end point differs from startpoint
-when start point is given and end point is arbitrary
-when start point and end are given
Steiner tree problem's heauristic algorithm
Crossing line when going opposite side
Never crossing line segments
Line segments from points
Higher order ellipse(fictious) Higher order ellipse(fictious,fictious)

Queueing Version
M/M/1 Queue -M/M/2 Queue

Change of number of customers
Change of number of customers and services
Change of number of customers with hourly arrival rate
Games Version
Noughts and crosses for single use vs Nirarebakun, you are first vs Nirarebakun, you are second watching one game endless watching
Five-in-a-row for single use vs Nirarebakun, you are first vs Nirarebakun, you are second watching one game endless watching
m-in-a-row for single use vs Nirarebakun, you are first vs Nirarebakun, you are second watching one game endless watching
Reversi endless watching


Hello! My name is Takashi Ohyama. My first name 'TAKASHI' means worship in Japanese, and my family name 'OHYAMA' comprises two Japanese words 'Oh' and 'Yama,' which mean big and mountain, respectively. So, I guess you can call me 'Worship Mt. Big!'

True Character

Iseek Search Engine\Science and Technology\Mathematics

